Stonebridge Craftsmen LLC
CT Remodeler
Great Shrubs For Landscaping
After more than 20 years of landscaping experience I certainly have some favorite shrubs that I think you will enjoy. We have had great success along with color and interesting texture. Check back soon, as I will be adding to and updating this throughout the season. Look through the photos below and click on them for a name and informational link.

Mike Quinn
Landscape Division Manager

Manhattan Euonymus

Nova Zembla Rhododendron

Sungold Threadbranch Cypress

Red Drift Rose

True Dwarf English Boxwood

Gold Splash Euonymous

Double Take Orange Storm Flowering Quince

Compact Hinoki Cypress

Variegated Tatarian Dogwood

Compact Inkberry

Moonglow Juniper

Dwarf Maiden Grass

Olympic Wedding Mountain Laurel

Little Devil Ninebark

Wine and Roses Weigela

Ivory Halo Dogwood